US Therapist Directory

Welcome to the Asian American Therapist Directory. It is our hope that this resource helps facilitate your search for a therapist.

AMHC is always growing this list to better serve those who are looking for therapy.

If you are a professional mental health care provider, you can join the directory below.
Primary Office Location: Los Gatos, California
Primary Office Location: San Francisco, California
Telehealth States Served: California
Hello! I work with adults, teens, and couples through issues of trauma, cultural identity, anxiety, life transitions, emotional regulation, and more. As a second-generation Chinese-American, I am passionate about Asian-American mental health and want to support AAPI communities through therapy.
Languages: English, Cantonese
Primary Office Location: Concord, California
Primary Office Location: Washington, District of Columbia
Telehealth States Served: District of Columbia, Virginia
Our personal lives and careers are full of inflection points that can be stressful, but also provide opportunities to examine our identities, our relationships, and how we want to live our lives. You don’t have to navigate these moments without support.
Languages: English
Primary Office Location: San Francisco, California
Telehealth States Served: California
Welcome! I support children, teens, adults, and parents to overcome adversities, heal to obtain healthy development/maturation, and reach their full potential. I offer free 15 minute consultations, so please feel free to reach out to me to see if we'd be a good fit. I look forward to meeting you.
Languages: English
Primary Office Location: Tampa, Florida
Telehealth States Served: Florida
Sujata Martin, MS OT, specializes in pelvic health, offering compassionate, holistic care for those dealing with pelvic floor dysfunction and related conditions.
Primary Office Location: Los Angeles, California
Primary Office Location: Orlando, Florida
Primary Office Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Telehealth States Served: Nevada
Primary Office Location: Los Angeles, California
Asian Mental Health Collective